
Care Navigation is being rolled out across the NHS.  It is an attempt to steer patients towards the correct NHS service.

Following the NHS GP Forward view, a number of changes have taken place in general practice e.g. new staff roles e.g. clinical pharmacists  and as part of NHS Englands’s 10 High Impact Actions, Reception staff have been retrained as Care Navigators.  They will be asking you a few short questions then directing you to the most appropriate service.

Care navigation makes the best use of GP practice and wider primary
care resources to help patients be seen by the right person, at
the right time and in the right place. Effective care navigation
increases GP capacity and improves outcomes and the overall
care experience for people, families and staff.

We are requesting that where possible, patients self care or self refer into the following services rather than requesting a GP appointment.

Adult Continence (Halton Bowel and Bladder Service

Halton Bladder & Bowel Website

Adult Speech and Language Therapy

Children’s Continence Service

Community Macmillan Palliative Care Team

Community Pharmacy

Falls Prevention

Fit Notes (Sick Notes)

GP Telephone Consultations

Health Visitors

Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT)

Midwifery Services

Parents in Mind

Parents in Mind Website


School Nurse


We ask patients to self-refer into services wherever possible.