Duty of Candour

Regulation 20 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 intends to make sure that providers are open and transparent in relation to care and treatment with people who use their services.

It also sets out some specific requirements that providers must follow when things go wrong with care or treatment, including informing people about the incident, providing reasonable support, giving truthful information and apologising when things go wrong. The CQC can prosecute for a breach of parts 20(2)a and 20(3) of this regulation.

At Oaks Place Surgery, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency and honesty in all aspects of patient care. In line with the duty of candour, we ensure that we are open and honest with our patients when things go wrong. If a safety incident occurs, we will inform you promptly, provide a clear and truthful account of what happened, and explain any investigations or actions we will undertake. We will also offer a sincere apology and provide any necessary support to those affected. Our goal is to foster a culture of openness and trust, ensuring that our patients feel confident in the care they receive.

Any patient safety incidents are logged on a national website and investigated by the practice/parties involved.