
Whistle-blowing is defined as:

The disclosure by an employee of confidential information, which relates to some danger, fraud or other illegal or unethical conduct connected with the workplace, be it of the employer or of a fellow employee(s).

A whistle blower is not a “sneak” or a “trouble maker” but someone who comes to a decision to express a concern after a great deal of thought. The law only requires that there be a genuine doubt – the individual is not expected to produce unquestionable evidence to support the concern.

At Oaks Place Surgery, we are committed to maintaining a culture of openness, integrity, and accountability. We recognise the importance of whistleblowing as a vital tool for safeguarding patient safety and ensuring high standards of care. We encourage all staff members to speak up if they have concerns about any aspect of our services, whether it relates to patient care, safety, or any other issue. We have clear policies and procedures in place to support and protect those who raise concerns, ensuring that they can do so without fear of reprisal. By fostering an environment where staff feel safe to report issues, we can work together to address problems promptly and effectively, ultimately enhancing the quality of care we provide..