Local Minor Eye Condition Service

Booking an appointment

This service is available to anybody with a GP in Halton who has recently developed the following symptoms:

  • Severe Eye pain
  • Red eyes
  • Foreign body in the eye
  • In growing eyelash
  • Sudden-onset loss of vision
  • Flashes or floaters in the vision
  • Dry, gritty, sticky or watery eyes

To book an appointment, please contact one of the providers listed on the document below, who will offer the service, Monday to Saturday, within usual opening hours. Some providers may be able to offer limited appointments on a Sunday.

If your symptoms are urgent you will be offered an appointment within two working days (Monday-Saturday) and if your symptoms are not urgent, within five working days (Monday to Saturday).

Please take along any spectacles you currently use to the appointment, as well as details of any current medications.