General Practice Pressures

We are extremely busy at the moment please consider all health options that are available in the community if you think you need to see a health professional: 

  • Your local pharmacist can help with any advice and medicines for minor illnesses and injuries and most have a room where you can discuss issues with pharmacy staff without being overheard.  Pharmacists  are also trained to tell you when your symptoms mean you need to see someone at your GP Practice 
  • Go online at  if you urgently need medical help or advice and it’s not a life threatening situation.  With NHS111 online you can:  
  • find out how to get the right healthcare in their area, including whether you need to see a GP or seek urgent care 
  • get advice on self-care 
  • get a call back from a nurse, doctor or other trained health professional if you need it 
  • Your local urgent treatment centres are open 365 days a year and can treat non-life-threatening illness and injury and has x-ray facilities.  The two nearest to Warrington are Widnes and Runcorn 
  • Please keep A&E free for those who really need it and only attend A&E or call 999 for a life-threatening illness such as choking, chest pain, blood loss or open fractures.  If you attend A&E and your condition not deemed to be life threatening, you will be advised of other local services that are more suitable for you 
  • Also remember self-care.  The majority of people feel comfortable managing everyday minor ailments like coughs and colds themselves, particularly when they feel confident in recognising the symptoms and have successfully used over-the-counter medicine before.  More information about how to treat many common conditions at home can be found on the national NHS website: