Access to Medical Records

Access to Adult person’s medical record

Patients have a right to request access to their own medical records and can also provide consent for disclosure to third parties e.g solicitors, employers, schools etc.

We have a duty to protect the confidential data of patients under the Data Protection Act (1998) and civil monetary penalties can be imposed for serious contraventions of the act.

Before allowing access to anyone other than the patient or any colleagues involved in the patient’s care, generally speaking, we will need to confirm that the person making the request has your consent. This must be done in writing using the relevant forms.  If you intend to give consent you need to state exactly what part of the record the consent applies to and the practice will seek this confirmation if the information is not provided.

Access to a child or young person’s medical records

The Information Commissioner’s Office states that parents can make subject access requests on behalf of their children who are too young to make their own request.

A young person aged 12 or above is generally considered mature enough to understand what a subject access request is, however, each case must be judged on its own merits.

A young person can make their own request and would need to provide their consent to allow their parents to make the request for them. The GP will use his/her judgment to decide whether a young person aged 12 or above is mature enough to make their own request as they do not always have the maturity to do so. Any parental access to a child’s records must be in the child’s best interests.

Requests can be made verbally or in writing, please ask at the practice for further details. . We may ask you to provide identification.

Currently registered patients will be asked to access using online services.

For further information visit NHS Choices

Requests for information can be emailed to  Alternatively, requests can be made verbally or in writing to Claire Tennant, Practice Business Manager/IM&T.  We may need to verify your identity.