
Who is a Carer?

A Carer can be any age and is someone who is unpaid and cares for a partner, parent, child, sibling friend or neighbour who has a disability or long-term health condition and lives in Halton. This could be someone who has a physical, sensory or learning disability, mental health, substance misuse or due to frailty needs additional support from you on a regular basis. The Halton Carers’ Centre register carers of all ages including young carers, please see our young carers section to find out more!

What support can a carer get?

Halton Carers Centre offer numerous services from Info & Advice to free relaxation therapies, please see our services for more details.

How can I register with Halton Carers Centre? Its simply to register! You can either call into or telephone one of our offices and a support worker will go through the registration form. You can download our registration form (under forms & downloads) or you can ask your GP to refer your details directly to us and we can give you a call.

They also providing training which will commence in 2017.  Each session will last for 1 hour and the weekly sessions are as follows:

  • Stress and wellbeing
  • Reasons for behaviours
  • Making a behaviour plan
  • Behaviour strategies and unhelpful thoughts
  • Communication styles
  • Planning for the future
  • Introduction to pleasant events and your mood
  • Using your skills in the future

Website: Halton Carers Website


Newsletters from Halton Carers