National Diabetes Audit

This practice takes part annually in the National Diabetes Audit.

The National Diabetes Audit is a major national clinical audit which measures the effectiveness of diabetes healthcare against NICE Clinical Guidelines and NICE Quality Standards, in England and Wales. The NDA collects and analyses data for use by a range of stakeholders to drive changes and improvements in the quality of services and health outcomes for people with diabetes.

The NDA answers five key questions:-

  • Is everyone with diabetes diagnosed and recorded on a practice diabetes register?
  • What percentage of people registered with diabetes received the nine National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) key processes of diabetes care?
  • What percentage of people registered with diabetes achieved NICE defined treatment targets for glucose control, blood pressure and blood cholesterol?
  • What percentage of people registered with diabetes are offered and attend a structured education course?
  • For people with registered diabetes what are the rates of acute and long term complications (disease outcomes)?

Aims and Objectives

The NDA supports improvement in the quality of diabetes care by enabling participating NHS services and organisations to:

  • assess local practice against NICE guidelines
  • compare their care and care outcomes with similar services and organisations
  • identify gaps or shortfalls that are priorities for improvement
  • identify and share best practice
  • provide comprehensive national pictures of diabetes care and outcomes in England and Wales

You can download the leaflet below:
