If you take medication on a long-term basis, you can request a repeat prescription for some medication without seeing the doctor in a number of ways. Please note that we require 48 hours notice to process a repeat prescription.
Requests can be posted in the wall mounted box next to our reception desk.
The practice operates a system where a repeat request can be made electronically. To register for this service please visit the online section of our website here. You may also request a repeat by posting the left side tear-off slip of your prescription to the practice.
Telephone requests for repeat prescriptions are unavailable. Only in extreme emergencies can a repeat prescription be issued over the telephone. Allowances will be made for housebound patients and some elderly patients who are unable to come to the surgery.
The majority of prescriptions are transmitted using the Electronic Prescription Service, to find out more about this, please click here
Some Pharmacists offer a prescription collection and delivery service. If you wish to take advantage of this service, you should register with your local Pharmacist.
Please note that this service is not provided by the Practice, the agreement is between you and the pharmacist. If you have repeat prescriptions, it is very important that you make an appointment to see the Doctor every 3 months so that your medication can be reviewed, changed or stopped if necessary.